E-learning “Designing and Developing a Blended Curriculum”

In this e-learning we go back to the core of effective learning. You’ll get guidance to design a successful blended curriculum. We will look at the factors and interventions that make your lessons more powerful. And we will show you how digital tools can make these principles even stronger.

After completion of this module you will be able to:

  1. Explain the effective principles of instruction.
  2. Apply these principles and make them stronger in your own blended learning course.
  3. (Re-)design your lessons and curriculum to an effective blended learning course.
  4. Choose a potential digital application to use in your lessons. 


This e-learning is divided in several modules








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Need some help to register to the platform? Here are some instructions: https://emr-skills4you.eu/en/news-article/discover-the-e-learning-platform-of-the-skills4you-project/