We’ve added beliefs to the SELFIE. This is what happened

What happens when you ask teachers about their beliefs related to the use of digital technology in education, together with their view on the organization of digital education in their school? That is what Adriaan Vervoort had researched and presented at the Junior Researchers (JURE) conference in Thessaloniki on 20th August 2023.

A first step in processing the data is checking whether the measurement is reliable. That happens using a series of statistical tests that check whether the individual questions asked indeed form a coherent construct. Once that check is completed, you can investigate as a researcher the underlying concepts. What you will see in this presentation is the relevance of asking teachers their beliefs related to the use of digital technology in education. This can yield valuable information to estimate what needs to be invested in when you want to digitalise the organization of your school and want to have all teachers on board.

The presentation is available in English here.