Presenting author
Boukje Compen, PhD
I’m an Assistant Professor working for the School of Health Professions Education (SHE) and the Taskforce Faculty Development of Maastricht University. Currently I’m primarily involved in researching how teachers in both vocational and higher education can be prepared to effectively deal with differences between students.
Contact details
Contributing authors
Daniëlle Verstegen – Associate Professor – SHE – Maastricht University
Jeroen van Merriënboer – Full Professor – SHE – Maastricht University
Diana Dolmans – Full Professor – SHE – Maastricht University
The insights from this study are currently integrated in the design and development of a training on DI for teachers in vocational education in the Euregion Meuse-Rhine.
In this study we conducted focus group interviews to examine the extent to which differentiated instruction (DI) principles identified in other education. In addition, we examined the (best) practices for implementing these principles.
Next steps
The insights from this study are currently integrated in the design and development of a training on DI for teachers in vocational education in the Euregion Meuse-Rhine.
The training will consist of two main parts:
– General part (7 video clips in an interview format including interactive elements to encourage active learning)
– Tailored part (a series of team coaching sessions within the schools adapted to the specific needs of the teacher teams participating)
>> We aim to share the initial results of the evaluation of this training during AMEE 2023.
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