Are you up for DigiTech? A clustering analysis to identify teacher profiles in the organization of digital education.

The Flemish education inspectorate organizes an internal VTO-congres yearly, during which educational research get the opportunity to present their findings to the Flemish education inspectors. With digital education on the agenda this year, Adriaan Vervoort has accepted the invitation to present results from his research within Skills4You to the inspectorate.

The research is based on data collected with the S4Y-SELFIE. This is a tool based on the European instrument, the SELFIE, adapted for the Skills4You project, to get a view on how schools within the Euregion Meuse-Rhine organize their digital education.

Data was analyzed to identify teacher profiles in the use of digital tools in their lessons, the context within which they work, and how they think about digital technology in education. The insights from this research were brought to the Flemish education inspectorate and will later be published in the final research report of Skills4You.

You can see the Dutch presentation via this link.